Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year. Stay You.

It's that time of year again: New Year's resolutions. Everyone can probably list a few things they'd like to do differently in 2010. (After all, looking back on a year's worth of life tends to have that effect on people.)

But what if this year's resolutions aren't about changing yourself, but staying yourself?

We all have things that make us, well, us -- things we wouldn't change for all the New-Year's-resolution power in the world. What are yours? Share them below.

BTW: EDCT is gearing up for Awareness Week 2010!


  1. I resolve to stay me this year: strong, faithful, adventure-loving... yes, I even resolve to stay obsessed with Twilight.

  2. I never make resolutions. But, this year I put in place things I can do to use my strengths to help others. I have signed up to be a Big Sister for Big Brothers, Big Sisters. This will let me show my passion for children, empathy, friendship, and ability to teach.
