Saturday, July 11, 2009

The "Perfect" Body!?!

One of the myths in our culture is that you can somehow, someway achieve a "perfect" body. Have you ever stopped long enough to ask yourself what your own definition of body perfection might be? As you try to conjure up an image in your mind, the next question would be ... where did that image come from? Is that image based on truth and reality? Or, the latest commercial for a diet product?
A former client of mine once said "If I can be content with me as I am, I think my body is getting more and more perfect ... perfectly me". I immediately wrote this down and requested permission to quote her. Very profound!
Change the conversation in your head and in our culture. Accept, care for and optimize the body that is your own unique package. That body will be perfectly you!

1 comment:

  1. I am at the point where I would be happy if the bow would just fit around my unique package. Perfectly me would be a saggy bow.
